Karen and Ayla – A Celebration of Love
As we all know, in October the weather can be a bit… unpredictable. That’s why Karen and Ayla were so lucky to have a day that was just as nice as any summer day in central New York; sunny blue skies and nice hot temperatures. We took some pictures at Green Lakes State Park before the festivities began, and I bet it was at least 85 degrees. After a few quick shots there, we joined the party awaiting them down the road. It was a beautiful afternoon to be under a tent with a drink and some lawn games outside.
However, the highlight of the day was not the weather (perfect as it was), but rather the feeling of cheerful festivity that was in the air. It was radiating from everyone; family, friends, the wonderfully jovial wedding party, and especially from Karen and Ayla. Everyone was simply enjoying the love that they share.
Cheers to Karen and Ayla, thank you for including me in the celebration!