About + Contact
Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light. Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.
– George Eastman
The word “photography” was created from the Greek roots phōtos, “light” and graphé, “representation by means of lines” or “drawing”, together meaning “drawing with light”. Which basically makes me a Jedi. I think.
My name is Rachel and I love what I do.
I grew up in a very small town outside of Syracuse, and became entrenched in a love for art and photography (thanks largely to my parents). I decided to pursue what I love. Since graduation, I have been finding work along with furthering myself as an artist.
I have always been fascinated with light. The way it looks and changes, and how it gives life and meaning. As an artist, I am still (and probably always will be) developing my style. So far I tend to border on the abstract by using shape and form together with perspective. I often use strong formal elements and geometric shapes. I am drawn to bright colors and cool color palettes, always with a crisp and clean feeling.
I want to help you see what I see.
My job is to isolate one moment in time. Change is swift, and our lives and the lives of our families are constantly evolving. Trees grow, colors fade, and time continues on. Photographs represent the present, which quickly becomes the past.
I’d like to hear from you.
Really, I would.

Me, using myself as a test subject.
No project is too small. I can work with you and your budget to create the visions that are in your mind, and elevate them to an art.
We could even meet, I could show you my studio and we could share a pot of tea (how about Earl Grey?) and talk about who you are and what you have in mind.
I do all kinds of work, with all kinds of subjects. Young people, old people, one person, lots of people, big animals, small animals, animals with people, studio shots, outdoor shots, shots at your home, events, sports and hobbies, candid documentation, commercial marketing, blah blah blah… I’ll even share my art with you (speaking of which… all photographs on this website belong to me and if you see something you might like a print or piece of wall art of, please don’t hesitate to let me know!).
While you can always try contacting me through tea leaves, an Email to rachel@racheldancksphotography.com or a Message on Facebook should do the trick. Any other ways you can think of are worth a try too.
You’ll see there’s also a link to my personal Instagram which could be a place for you to get to know me via my cellphone snapshots.